Capital Development Partners

The Challenge

Capital Development Partners (CDP) approached us to help them codify and solidify their brand. CDP is a major player in the development of industrial and shipping for ports in the southeast. Using existing brand and marketing elements, we consolidated the brand. We held robust discussions with the CDP team to arrive at the essence of the CDP brand.

After defining the true CDP brand we designed the brand identity style guide for use to maintain consistency in future marketing collateral and collaboration with other third party vendors and teams.

Once standards were set, we designed a new pitch deck for the team to use. Strict adherence to the brand standards was paramount for CDP as they begin the next chapter in successful development in the Southeast.


CDP fully committed and now has a realized and codify brand identity. They are now enable to maintain a consistent look, feel and tone across all future marketing and presentation collateral.




Pitch Deck

Style Guide

Style Guide

CDP Style Guide Logos
CDP Style Guide Colors
CDP Hard Hat
CDP Golf Ball

Pitch Deck

CDP Pitch Deck Cover
CDP Pitch Deck Interior